A New Chapter for Black History Month: I Want a Permanent Seat at the Corporate Table

Martin Kush
4 min readFeb 27, 2024
Photo by Damir Kopezhanov on Unsplash

“Happy Black History!” Sure, we have come a long way, but we need more evolution in our journey toward racial equality and empowerment. This annual observance has always been a time to honor the monumental contributions of Black individuals to society, politics, culture, and innovation. Yet, despite the recognition, there remains a noticeable sense of void within our circles, a reminder that the path to genuine inclusion and equality stretches too far ahead.

I was reading the latest Forbes listing as of February 13, 2024, which ranks the top 10 companies by market capitalization — including giants like Microsoft, Apple, Saudi Aramco, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Nvidia, Meta Platforms, Berkshire Hathaway, Eli Lilly, and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) — we are reminded of the arenas where our presence is notably absent on an equal basis: the boardrooms of the world’s most influential corporations.

This year, I, advocate for a transformation that transcends the annual acknowledgment of Black excellence. It’s time for tangible, lasting empowerment through lifetime paid board memberships for Black professionals in these leading corporations. Envision the impact of having representation on even five of these corporate behemoths. It’s not merely about holding a…



Martin Kush

Author on topics related to social justice, the economics of racism, human behavior, history, and life.